Our Features

Generation / Runtime balance
Generated Code
Code Written by hand
Great tool for people with no or little dev experience
Great tool for experienced developers
awesome extensibility

how it works

Make an Arduino Based Project

Typically you start with an Arduino compatible main board (e.g. Arduino Uno, Nano, etc) 

a communication board (e.g. ethernet shield, wifi shield, etc)

Diagram/ Design the Board

You create the board diagram, where you define which devices are connected to the Arduino board, and how they relate to each other. We call these elements petals.

E.g. when button1 dispatches the INPUT_CHANGED event => call led1.toggle(). When httpServer dispatches COMMAND_RECEIVED event => call relay1.setHigh().
There is a growing library of petals. Don’t find a petal for your hardware? Then request for a petal, or make your own petal.

Diagram/Design the User Interface

With the quick/easy mode: create a beautiful, functional UI in a blink of an eye
Or you can go advanced, and have a finer control over the petals. E.g. containers such as rows/columns (responsive) or Panels and visual elements such as labels (that display info from your Arduino) or buttons (that send command to your Arduino).

Generate Code and Run

FLOWERINO generates code from your diagrams.

Download the code to your PC and transfer it to Ardunio using your favorite method (e.g. Arduino IDE).
Power up your arduino, and connect to it’s IP address (from your browser):

The flowerino community

When your projects are finished, you can easily create good looking presentation pages for them. Upload pictures, link youtube videos, add text content and share with the community.

And then, browsing existing projects from the community is an interesting source of ideas.
Browse Projects
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